Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to insert image with Text in one cell of datagridview in C#

1.) Firstly create a Windpw Application in C#. 
2.) And then pick a DataGridView control into a user control.
3.) After that attach one class named "TextAndImageColumn" and paste the following code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;

namespace TradeGrid
    public class TextAndImageColumn : DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
        private Image imageValue;
        private Size imageSize;

        public TextAndImageColumn()
            this.CellTemplate = new TextAndImageCell();

        public override object Clone()
            TextAndImageColumn c = base.Clone() as TextAndImageColumn;
            c.imageValue = this.imageValue;
            c.imageSize = this.imageSize;
            return c;

        public Image Image
            get { return this.imageValue; }
                if (this.Image != value)
                    this.imageValue = value;
                    this.imageSize = value.Size;

                    if (this.InheritedStyle != null)
                        Padding inheritedPadding = this.InheritedStyle.Padding;
                        this.DefaultCellStyle.Padding = new Padding(imageSize.Width,
                     inheritedPadding.Top, inheritedPadding.Right,
        private TextAndImageCell TextAndImageCellTemplate
            get { return this.CellTemplate as TextAndImageCell; }
        internal Size ImageSize
            get { return imageSize; }

    public class TextAndImageCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell
        private Image imageValue;
        private Size imageSize;

        public override object Clone()
            TextAndImageCell c = base.Clone() as TextAndImageCell;
            c.imageValue = this.imageValue;
            c.imageSize = this.imageSize;
            return c;

        public Image Image
                if (this.OwningColumn == null ||
            this.OwningTextAndImageColumn == null)

                    return imageValue;
                else if (this.imageValue != null)
                    return this.imageValue;
                    return this.OwningTextAndImageColumn.Image;
                if (this.imageValue != value)
                    this.imageValue = value;
                    this.imageSize = value.Size;

                    Padding inheritedPadding = this.InheritedStyle.Padding;
                    this.Style.Padding = new Padding(imageSize.Width,
                    inheritedPadding.Top, inheritedPadding.Right,

        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds,
        Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState,
        object value, object formattedValue, string errorText,
        DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
        DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
        DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            // Paint the base content
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState,
               value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle,
               advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);

            if (this.Image != null)
                // Draw the image clipped to the cell.
                System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer container =

                graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(this.Image, cellBounds.Location);


        private TextAndImageColumn OwningTextAndImageColumn
            get { return this.OwningColumn as TextAndImageColumn; }

4.) after that you click on the Edit column of Datagridview (on Design mode) and 
change the Column Type : DataGridViewTextBoxColumn     To  Column Type: TextAndImageColumn

5.) Add a image list with the user control with 2 different Images( 16 x 16) .png files.
6.)And then add a method to display the image and Text value in one cell of DataGridView

       public void ImageRowDisplay()
            ((TextAndImageCell)_TradeGrid.Rows[0].Cells[0]).Image = (Image)imageList1.Images[1];
7.)And then add data on the grid rows with Text and Image cell on button Click event.

        private void btnInsertData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Code to insert rows on the grid.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How to Paint a Row in DataGridView in C# Window Application, How To Insert Disable Button Column DataGridView in C# Window Application, How to Merge Rows in DatagridView DataGridView in C# Window Application

//Create a Window Application in C# and add a user control on that form name "ucDemoGrid" and write the code given below for each function

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DataGridViewApplication
    public partial class ucDemoGrid : UserControl
        // Declare all the variables for the grid control
        #region Variables
        Random rnd = new Random();
        public DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        double empCodes = 0.0;
        double UsedMargin = 0.0;
        double Total = 00.0;
        public int FixedRow = 0;
        public int MergeRow = 0;
        public int DepositRow = 0;
        private int colIndex = 0;
        private int firstColmIndex = 0;
        private int lastColmIndex = 0;
        private int mergeCount = 0;
        private int lastrowindex = 0;
        private int mergeWidth = 0;
        private string MergeText = string.Empty;
        private ContextMenuStrip gridContextmenu = new ContextMenuStrip();
        List<int> DepRow = new List<int>();
        DataGridViewRow dr;
        DataGridViewCell dc;

        #region Property
        //Assing the name to the gridcontrol : _DemoGrid
        private DataGridView _DemoGrid;
        public DataGridView DemoGrid
            get { return _DemoGrid; }
            set { _DemoGrid = value; }

        #region Constructor
        public ucDemoGrid()
            _DemoGrid = dgvSample; // pass the grid control "dgvSample" refrerring to _DemoGrid.

        //Make the Custom Properties of the grid Control so that we can change the color of grid control from outside options
        #region GridColorSettingProperties

        public Color setColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.BackgroundColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.BackgroundColor = value; }
        public Color setDefaultCellStyleBackColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = value; }
        public Color setDefaultCellStyleForeColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = value; }

        public Font setDefaultFontMarketWatch
            get { return _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.Font; }
            set { _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.Font = value; }
        public Font setRowsDefaultCellStyleFontMarketWatch
            get { return _DemoGrid.RowsDefaultCellStyle.Font; }
            set { _DemoGrid.RowsDefaultCellStyle.Font = value; }
        public Font setAlternateFontMarketWatch
            get { return _DemoGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.Font; }
            set { _DemoGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.Font = value; }
        public Font SetHeaderFont
            get { return _DemoGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font; }
            set { _DemoGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = value; }

        public Color setAlternateRowBackColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = value; }
        public Color setAlternateRowForeColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = value; }
        public Color setSelectionBackColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = value; }
        public Color setSelectionForeColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.DefaultCellStyle.SelectionForeColor = value; }
        public Color setGridLinesColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.GridColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.GridColor = value; }
        public Color SetHeaderBackColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = value; }
        public Color SetHeaderForeColor
            get { return _DemoGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor; }
            set { _DemoGrid.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = value; }


        //here are some formulas to calculate width and no of columns of the grid of specific rows or normal calculations
        #region Formulas & Function
        private int TotalWidthOfColumn(DataGridView dgv)
            int RowCnt = dgv.ColumnCount;
            int iWidth = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < RowCnt; i++)
                iWidth += dgv.Columns[i].Width;
            return iWidth;

        private int TotalWidthOfColumn(DataGridView dgv, int[] Column2Count)
            int RowCnt = Column2Count.Length;
            int iWidth = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < RowCnt; i++)
                iWidth += dgv.Columns[Column2Count[i]].Width;
            return iWidth;

        private int TotalWidthOfColumn(DataGridView dgv, int Column2Count)
            for (int i = firstColmIndex; i < lastColmIndex; i++)
                mergeWidth += dgv.Columns[i].Width;
            return mergeWidth;

        private int SetxIndex4Total(string colmName)
            colIndex = _DemoGrid.Columns[colmName].Index;
            return colIndex;
        private int SetFirstIndex(string colmName)
            firstColmIndex = _DemoGrid.Columns[colmName].Index;
            return firstColmIndex;
        private int SetLastIndex(string colmName)
            lastColmIndex = _DemoGrid.Columns[colmName].Index;
            return lastColmIndex;
        private int col2Count(int firstIndex, int lastIndex)
            mergeCount = lastColmIndex - firstColmIndex;
            return mergeCount;

        //This paint method is used to display the static "Fixed Row" a gray color row
        private void dgvSample_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Rectangle rct = _DemoGrid.GetRowDisplayRectangle(FixedRow, false);
            if (rct.Left == 0 && rct.Right == 0 && rct.Height == 0 && rct.Width == 0)
                //display nothing

                SizeF s = e.Graphics.MeasureString("RO", _DemoGrid.Font);
                rct.X = _DemoGrid.GetColumnDisplayRectangle(0, false).X;
                rct.Y = _DemoGrid.GetRowDisplayRectangle(FixedRow, false).Y;
                rct.Width = TotalWidthOfColumn(_DemoGrid);

                Rectangle rctTotal = _DemoGrid.GetRowDisplayRectangle(FixedRow, false);

                rctTotal.X = _DemoGrid.GetColumnDisplayRectangle(colIndex, false).X;
                float tops = rct.Top + ((rct.Height / 2) - (s.Height / 2));
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, rct);
                Font f = new Font("Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Silver, rct);
                e.Graphics.DrawString("Total Emp Code : " + empCodes + "  Used Margin : " + UsedMargin, f, Brushes.Black, rct.X, rct.Y);
               //you can change the display string here....
                if (rctTotal.X == 0)
                    //display nothing
                { //you can change the display string here....
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("Total  " + Total, f, Brushes.Black, rctTotal.X, rct.Y);
                    _DemoGrid.Rows[FixedRow].ReadOnly = true;



        private void MergingRow()
            //here we call the customized class object for the merging facility
            //here we can apply more than two (declared below) columns names for merging.
            //In the example we merge only the EmpName and Age Columns of the grid control

            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle mystyle = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
            mystyle.All = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle myplaceholder = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();

            CustomDataGridViewCell cellName = new CustomDataGridViewCell();
            cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Left = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Single;
            _DemoGrid.Rows[lastrowindex].Cells["EmpName"] = cellName;

            CustomDataGridViewCell cellAge = new CustomDataGridViewCell();
            _DemoGrid.Rows[lastrowindex].Cells["Age"] = cellAge;
            cellAge.AdvancedBorderStyle.Right = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Single;


        public int InsertRow(int EmpCode, string EmpName, int Age, string Address, bool Check, string Save)
            lastrowindex = 0;
            _DemoGrid.Rows.Insert(lastrowindex, EmpCode, EmpName, Age, Address, false, Save);

            return lastrowindex;

        private void btnGenerateMergedRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            InsertRow(rnd.Next(1651, 5789), "Raj Pandey", rnd.Next(19, 28), "New Delhi", false, "Save");

        private void btnLoadData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            InsertRow(rnd.Next(1651, 5789), "Ashish Pandey", rnd.Next(19, 28), "Lucknow", false, "Save");

        private void dgvSample_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
            //on the header click show the customized context menu when the user right click on the header.
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                dgvSample.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStripHeader;

        private void dgvSample_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            //here we can check the Hit of the user on the grid control that where the user is currently right click
            //is it header or cell, Depend upon that the context menu will change

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                DataGridView.HitTestInfo hti = _DemoGrid.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);

                if (hti.Type == DataGridViewHitTestType.Cell)
                    this._DemoGrid.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStripCell;
                    contextMenuStripCell.Closing += new ToolStripDropDownClosingEventHandler(contextMenuStripName_Closing);
                if (hti.Type == DataGridViewHitTestType.ColumnHeader)

                    dgvSample.ContextMenuStrip = contextMenuStripHeader;
                    this._DemoGrid.ContextMenuStrip = null;
        //It is necessary method to close the open context menu
        void contextMenuStripName_Closing(object sender, ToolStripDropDownClosingEventArgs e)
            _DemoGrid.ContextMenuStrip = null;

        private void dgvSample_CurrentCellDirtyStateChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //It is used for every change in the datagridview
            if (_DemoGrid.IsCurrentCellDirty)

        private void ucDemoGrid_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            #region ContextMenuCode
            // This code will generate the customized context menu which having facility of checkbox to select to Display the column header
            // or uncheck to hide the column header. But "EmpCode" column will not display in the context menu list
            foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgv in _DemoGrid.Columns)
                if (dgv.Name != "EmpCode")
                    ToolStripMenuItem ts = new ToolStripMenuItem(dgv.HeaderText, null, GeneralTSMI_Click);
                    ts.Checked = true;
                dgv.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;

            SetxIndex4Total("Address"); //You can set the position of Fixed Row Text "Total :" here by providing column name
            col2Count(firstColmIndex, lastColmIndex);
            TotalWidthOfColumn(_DemoGrid, mergeCount);

            #region ContextMenuStrip
            ToolStripMenuItem tsGridLines;
            tsGridLines = new ToolStripMenuItem("Grid Lines");
            tsGridLines.Click += new EventHandler(GridLines);

        private void GeneralTSMI_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem t = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;
            t.Checked = !t.Checked; ;
            _DemoGrid.Columns[t.Text].Visible = t.Checked;


        private void GridLines(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle != DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.None)
                _DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.None;
                _DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.Single;

        public void InsertDisableButtonRow(int EmpCode, string EmpName, int Age, string Address, bool Check, string Save)
            lastrowindex = FixedRow + 1;
            _DemoGrid.Rows.Insert(lastrowindex, EmpCode, EmpName, Age, Address, false, Save);
        private void btnDisableButtonRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            InsertDisableButtonRow(rnd.Next(1651, 5789), "Ashish", rnd.Next(15,36), "Noida", false, "Save");

            DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chkcell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)_DemoGrid.Rows[lastrowindex].Cells["Check"];
            DataGridViewDisableButtonCell buttonCellSave = new DataGridViewDisableButtonCell();
            _DemoGrid.Rows[lastrowindex].Cells["Save"] = buttonCellSave;

            chkcell.ReadOnly = true;
            buttonCellSave.Enabled = false;

        private void btnGenerateEnableButtonRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnLoadData_Click(sender, e);
        private void horizontleLinesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this._DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.SingleHorizontal;// Right click on horizontle lines
        private void verticalLinesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this._DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.SingleVertical;// Right click on Vertical lines
        private void fullGridToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this._DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.Single;// Right click on Grid lines
        private void hideGridLinesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this._DemoGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.None;// Right click on No grid lines
        private void customizeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            frmCustomize frm = new frmCustomize();
            frm.MyGrid = this;  //attach here the form object with the _Demo grid user control that passes all the refrences

        public int InsertExecutedRow(int EmpCode, string EmpName, int Age, string Address, bool Check, string Save)

            int rowCountTotal = _DemoGrid.Rows.Count;
            int rowCountB4Fixed = rowCountTotal - FixedRow;

            lastrowindex = 0;
           _DemoGrid.Rows.Insert(lastrowindex, EmpCode, EmpName, Age, Address, Check, Save);
            return lastrowindex;

        private void btnShiftRowAboveFixRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_DemoGrid.Rows.Count > FixedRow + 1)
                dr = _DemoGrid.Rows[FixedRow + 1];
                dc = _DemoGrid.Rows[FixedRow + 1].Cells["EmpName"];

                dc.Value = "Executed";
                _DemoGrid.Rows.Insert(FixedRow, dr);

                DataGridViewCheckBoxCell chkcell = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)_DemoGrid.Rows[FixedRow].Cells["Check"];
                DataGridViewDisableButtonCell buttonCellSave = new DataGridViewDisableButtonCell();
                _DemoGrid.Rows[FixedRow].Cells["Save"] = buttonCellSave;
                buttonCellSave.Enabled = true;
                chkcell.ReadOnly = false;


        private void btnShiftRowbelowFixRow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnDisableButtonRow_Click(sender, e);
    #region Customize Classes for DatagridView
        public class CustomDataGridViewCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell
            private DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle _style;

            public CustomDataGridViewCell()
                : base()
                _style = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
                _style.Bottom = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Single;
                _style.Top = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Single;
                _style.Left = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
                _style.Right = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;


            public DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle AdvancedBorderStyle
                get { return _style; }
                    _style.Bottom = value.Bottom;
                    _style.Top = value.Top;
                    _style.Left = value.Left;
                    _style.Right = value.Right;

            protected override void PaintBorder(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle bounds, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle)
                base.PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, bounds, cellStyle, _style);

            protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
                base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, _style, paintParts);

        public class DataGridViewDisableButtonColumn : DataGridViewButtonColumn
            public DataGridViewDisableButtonColumn()
                this.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewDisableButtonCell();
        public class DataGridViewDisableButtonCell : DataGridViewButtonCell
            private bool enabledValue;
            public bool Enabled
                    return enabledValue;
                    enabledValue = value;

            // Override the Clone method so that the Enabled property is copied.
            public override object Clone()
                DataGridViewDisableButtonCell cell = (DataGridViewDisableButtonCell)base.Clone();
                cell.Enabled = this.Enabled;
                return cell;

            // By default, enable the button cell.
            public DataGridViewDisableButtonCell()
                this.enabledValue = false;
                this.Style.ForeColor = Color.Pink;
                this.Value = "Save";


            protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics,
                Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex,
                DataGridViewElementStates elementState, object value,
                object formattedValue, string errorText,
                DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
                DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
                DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
                // The button cell is disabled, so paint the border, 
                // background, and disabled button for the cell.
                if (!this.enabledValue)
                    // Draw the cell background, if specified.-
                    if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Background) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Background)
                        //SolidBrush cellBackground = new SolidBrush(cellStyle.BackColor);
                        SolidBrush cellBackground = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
                        graphics.FillRectangle(cellBackground, cellBounds);

                    // Draw the cell borders, if specified.
                    if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Border) == DataGridViewPaintParts.Border)
                        PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle);

                    // Calculate the area in which to draw the button.
                    Rectangle buttonArea = cellBounds;
                    Rectangle buttonAdjustment = this.BorderWidths(advancedBorderStyle);
                    buttonArea.X += buttonAdjustment.X;
                    buttonArea.Y += buttonAdjustment.Y;
                    buttonArea.Height -= buttonAdjustment.Height;
                    buttonArea.Width -= buttonAdjustment.Width;

                    // Draw the disabled button.               
                    ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(graphics, buttonArea, System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.PushButtonState.Disabled);

                    // Draw the disabled button text.
                    if (this.FormattedValue is String)
                        TextRenderer.DrawText(graphics, (string)this.FormattedValue, this.DataGridView.Font, buttonArea, SystemColors.ActiveCaption);
                    SolidBrush cellBackground = new SolidBrush(Color.DodgerBlue);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(cellBackground, cellBounds);

                    Rectangle buttonArea = cellBounds;
                    Rectangle buttonAdjustment = this.BorderWidths(advancedBorderStyle);
                    buttonArea.X += buttonAdjustment.X;
                    buttonArea.Y += buttonAdjustment.Y;
                    buttonArea.Height -= buttonAdjustment.Height;
                    buttonArea.Width -= buttonAdjustment.Width;

                    ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(graphics, buttonArea, System.Windows.Forms.VisualStyles.PushButtonState.Hot);

                    if (this.FormattedValue is String)
                        TextRenderer.DrawText(graphics, (string)this.FormattedValue, this.DataGridView.Font, buttonArea, Color.Brown);


Add a Form on the project and design with multi button options to change the colors and fonts of the grid control.

and write the code given below
// Add a Simple Window form and design according to the given picture. Add buttons for the different options to change color and font
//Also add a fontDialog and ColorDialog box on this form (frmCustomize)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace DataGridViewApplication
    public partial class frmCustomize : Form
        public frmCustomize()

        private ucDemoGrid _MyGrid;

        public ucDemoGrid MyGrid
            get { return _MyGrid; }
            set { _MyGrid = value; }

        private void btnHeaderForeground_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  // On Click upon Set Header ForeColor
            //Firstly set the [[ Enable Header Visual Style =False ]] 
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.SetHeaderForeColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnHeaderBackground_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Header BackColor
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.SetHeaderBackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnCellForeground_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell ForeColor
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setDefaultCellStyleForeColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnCellBackground_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell BackColor
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setDefaultCellStyleBackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnGridLineColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Grid Line Color
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setGridLinesColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnHeaderFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Header Font
                if (fontDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.SetHeaderFont = fontDialog1.Font;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnDefaultCellFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell Font
                if (fontDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setRowsDefaultCellStyleFontMarketWatch = fontDialog1.Font;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnSelectionForeColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell Selection Foreground Color
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setSelectionForeColor= colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnSelectionBackColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell Selection Background Color
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setSelectionBackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnSetAlternateForeColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell Alternate Foreground Color
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setAlternateRowForeColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnSetAlternateBgColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Cell Alternate Background Color
                if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setAlternateRowBackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnAlternateRowFont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// On Click upon Set Alternate Row Font
                if (fontDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel)
                    _MyGrid.setAlternateFontMarketWatch = fontDialog1.Font;
            catch (Exception ex)

        private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// close the property window
Now attach that user control on the main form (Form1) and Run it

Grid Line Settings of DataGridView in C# Window Application

//Add a window form and add a datagridview on that form. and then write the code given below

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Nevron.UI.WinForm.Controls;
namespace MyCustomGrid
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        //Create a Context menu for the grid control on which events will fire(execute)

        public ContextMenuStrip Mycontextmenu = new ContextMenuStrip();
        //Create a property name of the grid control, Now the grid name is "_MyGrid" in place of datagridview1.
        private DataGridView _MyGrid;
        public DataGridView MyGrid
            get { return _MyGrid; }
            set { _MyGrid = value; }

        //here the constructor
        public Form1()
            _MyGrid = dataGridView1;  // Pass the dataGridView1 to the _MyGrid so that dataGridView1 refer to _MyGrid

        //Write the Context menu strip items on the Form load Event.
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ToolStripMenuItem tsHorizontle, tsVertical, tsGrid,tsHideGrid;
            tsHorizontle = new ToolStripMenuItem("Horizontle Lines");
            tsHorizontle.Click += new EventHandler(tsHorizontle_Click);

            tsVertical = new ToolStripMenuItem("Vertical Lines");
            tsVertical.Click += new EventHandler(tsVertical_Click);

            tsGrid = new ToolStripMenuItem("Full Grid Lines");
            tsGrid.Click += new EventHandler(tsGrid_Click);
            tsHideGrid = new ToolStripMenuItem("Hide Grid Lines");
            tsHideGrid.Click += new EventHandler(tsHideGrid_Click);


            this.ContextMenuStrip = Mycontextmenu;  //here this refrers to the Grid Control : _MyGrid

       private void tsHideGrid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  //Hide grid line event
            this._MyGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.None; 

       private void tsGrid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Customized the cells on the basis of Customized Class given at last of the code
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle mystyle = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
            mystyle.All = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle myplaceholder = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < _MyGrid.RowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _MyGrid.ColumnCount; j++)
                    CustomDataGridViewCell cellName = new CustomDataGridViewCell();
                    _MyGrid.Rows[i].Cells[j] = cellName;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Left = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Right = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Top = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Bottom = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
            //Or in simple way, you can write only this single line code
            //this._MyGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.Single;


       private void tsVertical_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Or in simple way, you can write only this single line code
            //this._MyGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.SingleVertical;


       private void tsHorizontle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Or in simple way, you can write only this single line code
            //this._MyGrid.CellBorderStyle = DataGridViewCellBorderStyle.SingleHorizontal;


        private void VerticalLines()

            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle mystyle = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
            mystyle.All = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle myplaceholder = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < _MyGrid.RowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _MyGrid.ColumnCount; j++)
                    CustomDataGridViewCell cellName = new CustomDataGridViewCell();
                    _MyGrid.Rows[i].Cells[j] = cellName;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Left = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Right = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Top = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Bottom = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;

        private void HorizontleLines()
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle mystyle = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
            mystyle.All = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle myplaceholder = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();

            for (int i = 0; i < _MyGrid.RowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _MyGrid.ColumnCount; j++)
                    CustomDataGridViewCell cellName = new CustomDataGridViewCell();
                    _MyGrid.Rows[i].Cells[j] = cellName;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Top = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Bottom = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.Inset;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Left = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
                    cellName.AdvancedBorderStyle.Right = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// here we add the rows on the grid control

    //here the customized class for the grid lines
    public class CustomDataGridViewCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell
        private DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle _style;

        public CustomDataGridViewCell()
            : base()
            _style = new DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle();
            _style.Bottom = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            _style.Top = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            _style.Left = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;
            _style.Right = DataGridViewAdvancedCellBorderStyle.None;


        public DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle AdvancedBorderStyle
            get { return _style; }
                _style.Bottom = value.Bottom;
                _style.Top = value.Top;
                _style.Left = value.Left;
                _style.Right = value.Right;

        protected override void PaintBorder(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle bounds, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle)
            base.PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, bounds, cellStyle, _style);

        protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
            base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, _style, paintParts);

